Passage Picker

Pick out the passage you would like to share with your group and write down the page___________ and paragraph_______ numbers.

Write down the first two words _______ _______ and the last two words ________ _________of your passage.

Possible "Types" of Passages

Important Informative interesting
Surprising controversial  descriptive
Historical confusing   persuasive
Dialect    simile metaphor
Personification idiom   alliteration
Fantasy   thematic scientific
Problem/solution fact/opinion cause/effect
foreshadowing step by step math








This passage is a ___________________type of passage because_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________.


Think of a good thinking question about the passage. Write it down along with the answer to this question.


Answer one of these questions in a complete sentence(s): Why did the author include this passage in the story? What does this passage add to the story?



How to Discuss "Passage Picker"

Ask the members in your group to turn to the page and paragraph where your passage is located.

Tell the members in your group the first two words and the last two words of your passage.

Choose someone in your group to read the passage aloud and make sure the other members in your group follow along.

Call on members of your group to identify the type of passage. Also ask them to explain why they think it is that type of passage. Remember to have them use specific examples. Note: if their reasons for identifying the type of passage are different from the type of passage you chose, please make sure they can support their thinking.

Ask the group your thinking question about the passage. Ask for support for each answer.

Ask the group about why this passage is in the story (author's purpose) or what it adds to the story.