Hypermedia in Instruction
Course Syllabus
Summer 2009

Book: Hypermedia in Instruction Course Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Terry W. McClannon

Table of Contents

Hypermedia ITC-5420

Hypermedia in Instruction


Dr. Terry W. McClannon
Appalachian State University
Summer 2009


An exploration of the various forms of hypermedia available to educators and their role in the learning setting. Particular attention will be given to the development of learning activities that take advantage of the hypermedia environment.

In a time of drastic change it is the learners who survive; the "learned" find themselves fully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.

Eric Hoffer

"Men have become the tools of their tools."

Henry David Thoreau

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Instructor Information

Dr. Terry W. McClannon
Assistant Professor
Appalachian State University
Reich College of Education
Instructional Technology Program
Leadership and Educational Studies
201E Edwin Duncan Hall
Boone, NC 28608

828-262-2062 Phone
828-262-2128 Fax

[email protected]


Dr. Terry W. McClannon

Extension Assistance:
Lisa Freeman
[email protected]

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Course Objectives

ITC 5420: Hypermedia in Education

Objectives - Upon completion of the course, students will:

Goals, Activities and Dispositions



Understand what hypermedia is and how it relates to business training, working and learning environments. Be disposed to providing choices in media format in learning environments.

Read selected articles and engage in discussion with others on their significance to learning environments.

Become familiar with current issues and research related to the use of hypermedia in learning settings. Be aware of the changing nature of the issues and the tools available and be willing to continually explore them.

Answer questions posed in the class and engage in discussion with others about the different responses provided.

Write a paper that defines hypermedia and discusses the role hypermedia plays in teaching and learning.

Become capable of designing effective hypermedia activities and courses for a variety of content areas and uses. Be disposed to engaging students in developing hypermedia products for capstone experiences.

Convert a paper written to define hypermedia and its role in teaching and learning to a hypermedia product.

Explore the difference between learner activities in which they use or create hypermedia products and activities in which they use or create non-hypermedia materials

Design a hypermedia product or activity that can be used in a learning setting.

Become capable of supporting others in their development of effective hypermedia activities for their needs.

Read selected articles and engage in discussion with others on the conditions and processes that will best support others.

Become familiar with, and be able to use, hypermedia software packages effectively. Be disposed to continuing developing one's skills, knowledge and applications of hypermedia in teaching and learning environments.

Develop skills in using new software packages, discuss the software packages and their uses, their ease of use, etc.

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Course Requirements

ITC 5420: Hypermedia in Education
Course Requirements

Class Expectations:
  1. Attend class - Policy outline on page 67 of the Graduate Bulletin. Class cancellations due to inclement weather or other disasters will be announced through the cohort listserve. Generally, if your school district has closed schools we will not have a class in that district. If we do decide to have a class, please use your own discretion and come only if you are sure of your safety.

  2. Keep current - Participate in class - demonstrations, discussions, and activities.

  3. Participate in engaged discussions, Online meetings, Online/on-site field trips and conferences: as mutually agreed to by instructor and students.

  4. Successfully complete all projects and activities - as outlined in the evaluation section of this class.

  5. Change any assignment - in such a way that it is meaningful and useful to you and your students.

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on the successful completion of the following activities:
  1. Participation: Participate on the class Discussion Board and respond to questions in "Café Così che cosa?". (10%)

  2. Mapping (10%) (Group Assignment)
    The hypermazes, noting key concepts and the organization of the mazes as they delineate key features of hypermedia. You may use whatever format, software or materials you deem suitable for the task. Each team will create a Wordle concept picture cloud of the key concepts of hypermedia learned from maze to post in Qwaq.

  3. Position Paper (15%) (Group Assignment)
    Demonstration of Your Understanding of the Research and Practice in Using Hypermedia in Learning Environments: Review research and activity reports on the uses of hypermedia in learning settings. Write a paper on what hypermedia is, how it can be used in a learning environment, and what the critical issues are when considering the use of hypermedia. Use tools of choice to collaboration and write paper. Suggested tools: Adobe Buzzword or Google Docs.

    *Final paper must be submitted via AsULearn as a MS Word document.

    *Cite your sources. Utilize APA style for citations. APA Resources & Tutorials

  4. Creation of Hypermedia Version of Your Position (10%) (Individual Assignment)
    Using hypermedia software of your choice, present the position you established in the above paper on the use of hypermedia in learning settings in a hypermedia format.

  5. Establishing of the Difference (5%) (Individual Assignment)
    In a format of your choice, explain the difference between writing a paper and preparing the same information in a hypermedia format.

  6. Learning the Tools (10%) (Group Assignment)
    Using a variety of hypermedia tools, become familiar with the technologies presently available and ways they can be used to enhance instruction in learning environments. You (and your teammates) will be asked to explore at least two pieces of software with which you are unfamiliar and to share your experiences by responding to questions in the S-Mart and participating on the discussion board.

    *Each team will choose two tools to investigate and later share with class as to use and potential learning activities. Tools are not limited to those found in the S-mart.

  7. Completion of Final Project (30%) (Group Assignment)
    Prepare and present a full scale, usable, learning activity that can be used for a learner population of your choice. Each project should include a series of learning activities that require students to engage in and use major hypermedia tools.

    These activities should include:
    • A problem to solve
    • Knowledge to structure
    • Assurance that each group member will achieve competence with each type of tool
    • Requirements for collecting, analyzing, and making decisions about the content learned
    • Requirements for active collaboration within and between groups of students
    • Demonstrate a direct connection to the classroom, school, or district goals and state DPI and ISTE standards.
    • Actual topic and scope of each project will be negotiated between participants and the instructor. These projects may be completed in collaborative groups. Projects will be presented to the entire class at the end of the semester. Other educational professionals will be invited to attend these presentations.

As you develop your project and plan for your presentation please include the following:

*Each member of a group developing these projects should achieve competence with the hypermedia tools used. These projects will be presented to the entire class at the end of the semester.

  1. Final Reflection Paper (10%) (Individual Assignment)

    Complete a reflection paper that includes:
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Summer Schedule

May 26 - June 1

  • Activities:

    • Get acclimated to ITC 5420 in AET Zone.
    • AsULearn Introduction (All assignments will be submitted via AsULearn)
      • Modify profile
        • Add photo
        • Profile info
      • Introduce yourself on the class discussion board (Who we are).

    • Update (or create) your Google Groups profile.
      *Add photo

    • Qwaq (3D learning environment)
    • Assigned Teams- will work with to map the hypermazes, address the questions in the "Café Così che cosa?", explore the software in the S-Mart, and, if you wish, work on the final project.

    • Form a Team (maximum 5 members) to read and discuss Everything is Miscellaneous, by David Weinberger. Preferred that at least one member of this team should be part of a different cohort. As you read, your group will post its thoughts on the discussion board.

    • As a team, respond to the "What is Hypermedia?" question in the "Café Così che cosa?". Read the answers other teams give and respond to their thoughts on this question and interact with others on these responses on the class discussion board.

    • Begin exploration of HyperMaze A in AET Zone to explore the information found there. As a team, begin mapping the hypermaze (see course requirements).

    • Begin reading articles and web pages on Theory and Research associated with the use of hypermedia in learning settings (see Course Outline for possible sources).

    • As a team, respond to the "What is Hypermedia?" (After HyperMaze A) question on the class discussion board. Use information from the HyperMaze and your readings to support your position. Read the answers others in class give and respond to their thoughts on this question.

June 2 - June 8

  • Setup Team Meetings with Instructor

    • Team meeting with instructor in Qwaq. Questions? Commnets?
      • Time TBA
    • Continue working on Hypermaze

    • As a team, begin looking at the other questions in "Café Così che cosa?" and begin responding to them, reading how others have responded, and sharing your thoughts on the class discussion board.

June 9 - June 15

  • Activities:

    • Continue reading articles and web pages on Theory and Research.

    • As a team, explore HyperMaze B to explore the applications of Hypermedia to Learning settings. Continue mapping the hypermazes (see course requirements).

    • Respond to the "How can hypermedia be used to support learning?" question on the class discussion board. Use information from the HyperMaze and your readings to support your position. Read the answers others in class give and respond to their thoughts on this question.

June 16 - June 22

  • As a team, begin exploring Hypermedia development tools (Shop S-Mart) (see course requirements).
    *Each team will choose two tools to investigate and later share with class as to use and potential learning activities. Tools are not limited to those found in the S-mart.

June 23 - June 29


June 30 - July 6


July 7 - July 13

  • Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
    • Introductions
    • Principles
    • Examples
  • Hypermedia tools
  • Web 2.0 Resources


Due: Hypermedia Tools Discussion

July 14 - July 20

  • Web 2.0 Resources continued
  • The role of Hypermedia in learning settings
  • Hypermedia Tools


Due: Hypermedia Version of Paper - Submit via AsULearn
*Teams will schedule times to meeting to share individual projects (Poster sessions)

July 21 - July 27

  • The Role of Hypermedia in learning settings

  • Hypermedia tools


Due: Establishing the Difference Paper (see course requirements). Post your position papers to AsULearn.

July 28 - August 3

Tentative- Time permitting
  • Exploring digital storytelling as tool for engaging students in reading and writing

  • Students as producers


  • Look over digital storytelling resources and projects online
  • Look over digital storytelling resources and projects online

August 4 - August 10


  • Finalize projects

  • Discussion of Final Reflection Paper

  • Share Final Projects

  • Complete course evaluation

Due: Final Projects

Due: Final Reflection Paper

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Required Reading

Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder
Author: David Weinberger

Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Holt Paperbacks (April 29, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805088113

Listed on Amazon.com

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Reading Groups

Each student is expected to become an active member of a reading group. Groups should include at least one member of other active LES cohorts. Groups will participate in self-paced discussion of relevant topics discovered in readings. Link to discussion board.

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Discussion Board Participation

Rubric for expected discussion board participation

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Academic Integrity Code

Appalachian State University’s Academic Integrity Code is designed to create an atmosphere of trust, respect, fairness, honesty, and responsibility. The Academic Integrity Code outlines “user-friendly” procedures and mechanisms for resolving alleged violations of academic integrity. The Academic Integrity Code is the result of cooperation among Appalachian’s faculty, students, and administrators, and promotes a campus dialogue about academic integrity. All members of the Appalachian State University community are responsible for promoting an ethical learning environment.

Academic Integrity Code

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Individuals with Disabilities Information

Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at http://www.ods.appstate.edu/ or 828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations.

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