Lesson: Archaeological
Grid Lines
Review of Cartesian Coordinate System
The Piedmont Site overhead and worksheet
The Grid Sheet
Copy of The Piedmont site with grid sheet over it.
Artifact Location Record
Setting the Stage:
Have the students imagine they are a team of archaeologists who have found an archaeological site. Artifacts—including projectile points, pottery sherds, and stone flakes--are scattered on the surface of the ground. They want to make a map of the site. How might they accurately record the location of the artifacts? Have the students brainstorm ideas.
1. Provide
Background information on grid line use in archeology.
2. Project the map
of "The Piedmont Site" and explain this is a site they have found in
central North Carolina. Overlay a transparency of "The Grid Sheet"
and align it to the site by matching the site datum points. Explain that they,
as archaeologists, will record exact places where artifacts are found. Share
background information about the importance of gridding a site for current and
future study.
3. Pass out copies
of The Piedmont Site with the grid overlay as students get into teams of 3.
Note: A simplified
alternative to the above procedure is to have students overlay "The Grid
Sheet" to "The Piedmont Site" and
hold them up to the
light. "The Grid Sheet" already has named squares.
4. Distribute to
each team the "Artifact Location Record." On it, students will record
the grid unit designation and count and name the artifacts in each grid unit.
If no artifacts are found in the unit, students should put "0." If an
artifact is on a grid line, the student must choose which grid square to record
it in. An artifact cannot be recorded in more than one square. One student
counts the Flakes, one student counts the Sherds, and the third counts the
Points. After the students record the artifacts found in each one write the
exact location of each artifact found. (Example: (3.3,8.2) or (5.2,3.8)
5. Following the
procedure of scientific inquiry ask:
Choose one inference and formulate a
hypothesis from it. Describe how the hypothesis might be tested. Here is an
example: There are a lot of potsherds in one location. We might infer a pottery
vessel broke here. If all of the sherds have similar attributes and fit
together, then we could accept the hypothesis that a vessel broke in this
location. What other reason could explain the concentration of sherds? The
students will not be able to actually test the hypothesis without access to the
artifacts. This exercise is designed to have them think like archaeologists.
Conduct a similar inquiry using the stone flakes or other artifacts.
Students turn in
their completed "Artifact Location Record" for evaluation.
Summarize the
importance of why archaeologists grid archaeological sites to assist with
accurate recording and making inferences from data, now and in the future.
Once a site has been dug (or in the case of sites with no depth, the surface artifacts have been collected), it is gone forever and can never be replaced with another just like it. Because sites are destroyed during collection or excavation processes, archaeologists record them in detail to preserve the context of all the artifacts and structures. Archaeologists in the future can study an excavated site only if good notes and maps are made.
One way archaeologists preserve context on paper is through the use of the rectangular grid, or Cartesian coordinate system. The first step in the excavation process is to establish a grid. A site datum is set at an arbitrarily chosen location and is designated as (0,0). Two perpendicular axes or lines intersecting at the site datum are then established and a rectangular grid is superimposed over the entire site. Each square on the ground is marked with numbered stakes in the corners, so that each square or grid unit has a unique "name" referred to by its coordinates. The coordinates indicate the distance of a given point
north, south, east,
or west from the site datum.
Once the grid is
established, all artifacts and structures are measured and recorded using the
system. Before excavation actually begins, all artifacts visible on the surface
are collected and their locations on the grid are recorded. As the excavation
proceeds, materials found under the surface are similarly recorded and
collected. When the archaeologist returns to the laboratory, the maps and the
data recorded in the field can be used to make inferences about past events and
the lifeways of the site's inhabitants. If the exact location of each artifact
transported back to the laboratory is known, then the object can be tied to its
context within the
Technology Academy 2001
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