Archaeology Project
Day |
Math |
Language Arts |
Social Studies |
Science |
1 |
Introduction: |
Guest Speaker |
With Artifacts |
In Archaeology |
2 |
Blast off: |
Archeological |
Site to promote |
Student interest |
3 |
Grid lesson 1 |
Site Robbers: |
Place Names |
Penny Observation |
4 |
Pythagorean Theorem |
What’s Your View |
And Descriptive Writing |
5 |
Grid lesson 2 |
Debate |
Examining |
6 |
Tree dating |
Comparing |
Culture through |
7 |
Graphing calculator Intro |
Native American Tales |
Artifacts |
Evolutionary Theory |
8 |
It’s in the Trash |
Southeastern, Southwestern, Northwestern, Plains, Northeastern |
Biological Geological Technological |
9 |
Measuring Pots |
Writing a Porquoi Tale |
10 |
Culminating |
Activity: |
Simulating an |
Actual dig |
Technology Academy 2001
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