Lesson: Graphing Calculator Preparation


Days: 1




1.12 Analyze problems to determine if there is sufficient or extraneous data, select appropriate strategies, and use an organized approach to solve using calculators when appropriate.




ü      TI-73 calculators – 1 per student

ü      Categorical data (Favorite color, Favorite ice cream flavor)


Setting the Stage:

In order for archeologists to report findings, they need to be able to categorize and graph information found.  In this lesson students will practice the skill of creating a pie chart which will be used in the next lesson.



1.     Before students come into the classroom, write on the board the following topics:

a.      Favorite color

b.     Favorite ice cream

c.      Favorite location (Mountains, Piedmont, Coast)

2.     Pass out graphing calculators to each student

3.     The teacher leads directions on how to create a list and statistical plot on TI-73 calculator. Have students keep notes on steps.

4.     Students create two more pie charts on their own.




Teacher can check each students final graphs to ensure students ability to create pie chart on graphing calculator.



Teachers may use Excel or other spreadsheet to teach students to create pie charts and play with labels and sizes.  In this case each students will need computer access during instruction.







Summer Technology Academy 2001
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