FDN 5220: Computers in Educational Settings

Session 1 - Getting Started


Let's take a moment to get to know each other.  What do you do -- when you aren't working diligently on this course ;), where do you do it, and what are some interesting things we should know about you?  We'll be working almost exclusively on group projects in this course.  Also, some of you will be almost exclusively online - while others will spend more time on-campus, face-to-face.  We'll use discussion boards, chat rooms, Instant Messaging, and a course website to help us work together and stay in touch.

First things first, < register for the official course discussion board >

Next, < register on our course website > if you have not done so already.  Our website uses a software program called "Olie."  Olie is a web-based communication and interaction tool we will use to help us work together during this course.  You will need a cohort code.  Use the one you received in class (email me if you don't have one.)  Once you have registered and are logged in, < add yourself to the class > by doing the following:

Then, < fill out this autobiography form >.  I'll add the pictures (if you have one for me to use, email it to me and I'll post it with your autobiography.

Examining our course environment 

We will use many tools throughout this semester.  You have already been introduced to two of them (the discussion board and the course website).  We will also use email, Instant Messenger (I am an AOL IM user, but I also have Yahoo!, and MSN), chats, f2f and our 3-D environment -- AppEdTech.  So, make sure you:

We likely will find and use other software/websites as the semester rolls along, but these will be our main ways of communicating and working together.  'Working together -- on what?' you may ask ...

Planning for projects

You will have a major project to complete for this course.  Descriptions of projects are listed in the course description.  Since these projects are the focal point of your activity in this course, it is important that you begin thinking about them right away.  My strong preference -- I will stop short of out-right requiring it, but you'll need a good argument to convince me otherwise -- is that all projects be completed in groups of 3-5 members.


  1. Make sure you have registered for the discussion board, the website, the class (on Olie), an IM program, and AET (whew!).  Poke around the website (test out the chat, forum, notebook, and groups in particular) and the AET environment (remember: our course entrance in the Teleport is Gate 4).
  2. Create a list of hardware and software available to you at home and you and your students at your school. What are some ways you have used each of these tools in the past? What tools do you currently know and which tools do you need to know more about?
  3. Begin thinking about your projects. 

© Copyright 2004. Stephen C. Bronack, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.