Assignment 2


Write pages that allow the user to choose a type of government and then display the results (names of countries, Population, and GDP) from the Country database. Display results in a table on an attractive page.



1.      Make a new page. Use the same filename you used for your asp file but give it an HTM extension.


2.      Insert a drop-down menu form field.


3.      Name the form field and insert the following choices (Right Click to get to Form Field Properties):







4        Send the contents of the form to your asp page (Right click to get to Form Properties.  Look at Send to Other and then at Options under Form Properties).


5        Open your asp page in the editor and insert the lines that get the information from the form you just made. (see ASP Example Code)


6        Change your SQL Command to search the database for the information requested by the form. (see ASP Example Code)


7        Work with both pages to make them attractive and usable.