Using Tables

Tables have two basic uses in Web design: (1) to display text and images in columns and rows, just like in Word, for example, and (2) to layout web pages.  Tables are one common tool designers use to influence where objects display on a web page.

Creating and defining a new table.

This is the Insert Table dialog box.  When you choose Insert from the Table menu, this window appears.  Here you choose how many rows and columns you would like.  You can also change the Border Size, Alignment, Cell Padding, & Cell Spacing.  You can choose a Border Size of ZERO to make the table invisible.
  • Tip:  Use the Specify Width option to make sure the size is never more than 100% of the screen.  This will cause your viewers to have to scroll the page horizontally.


Table Properties

This is the Table Properties Window.  To get here, right click anywhere in your table, and choose Table Properties from the menu.  This has all the options of the Insert Table window, and also allows you to change the colors of the table and use a background picture for the table.  You may always modify the properties associated with your table.
  • Tip: If you want different backgrounds for different tables, use the "Background > Color" Option to give the entire table a background color - without having to add an image.

Cell Properties

This is the Cell Properties window, where you can change the properties of an individual cell within the table, without effecting the rest of the table.  To get here, right click anywhere in a cell, and choose Cell Properties from the menu.  A benefit of this window is that it allows you to control the vertical and horizontal alignment of the contents for each individual cell.  Again, you can change the cell colors or use a picture as a background.