Section 1 p. 1-20
1. Write down the word Dignified, p. 1 paragraph 2
2. "It is not dignified for a gentleman to say such things," said
Emily’s mother.
3. Part of speech: Adjective. My definition, proper.
4. Definition using dictionary and my definition: being excellent and proper
in appearance.
5. This word adds meaning to the story by showing what type of family the Upham’s are.
- Write down the word winsome
page 8 paragraph 2.
- "Ever since Seth’s
father died three years before, the preacher often came to see Mrs. Marple, who was considered winsome and worthy by those
who made such judgments."
- Part of speech: adjective. My
definition, respectful.
- Definition with help from
dictionary, charming, pleasant agreeable.
- This word adds to the story
by showing characteristics of Seth’s mother and comparing Seth to his
- Write down the word, parasol,
page 4 line 3.
- "After this, Emily,
along with her trunk, her traveling bag, and her parasol, was placed on
the train."
- Part of speech, noun. My
definition, umbrella.
- An umbrella used to protect
one from the sun.
- This word adds to the story
by recognizing the styles worn in 1875.
- Write down the word, hastily,
page 8 paragraph 4.
- "Mrs. Marple, looking at the four men who stood in her
doorway, hastily wiped the flour from her hands.
- Part of speech, adverb. My
definition, quickly.
- In a fast manner, quickly,
excessive speed.
- This word adds to the story
by showing how Mrs. Marple moves. It is used
often in the book to show someone moving with great speed.