Midnight Magic




Page 2, Paragraph 1

“There was also a cudgel with which he was supposed to beat away anyone who tried to enter the house.”

·        NOUN

·        My Definition: a big stick

·        Actual Definition: A heavy stick used as a weapon

·        By using this word, the author is adding meaning to the setting since it is being used to describe an item in Fabrizio’s room.






















Page 6, Paragraph 4

“But the most meaningful thing Fabrizio saw was that the insignia on the carriage door- by which he might have discovered on whose authority the visit was being made- had been hidden by a piece of cloth.”

·        NOUN

·        My Definition: a sign or monogram

·        Actual Definition: an identifying mark or sign

·        By using this word, the author is hinting at the persons that accompany the carriage.  Insignia is a fancier word for sign and it is paired well with the king, who has sent the carriage.







Page 11, Paragraph 4

Chagrined, Fabrizio removed the parchment from his tunic sleeve, where he had slipped it.”

·        ADJECTIVE

·        My Definition: embarrassed

·        Actual Definition: frustrated, annoyed, or embarrassed through disappointed hopes

·        Using the word chagrined is a good way to give an adult quality to a small 12-year-old boy.







Page 14, Paragraph 9

“The soldier shook his head vehemently.”

·        ADVERB

·        My Definition: wildly

·        Actual Definition: done forcefully: done with vigor or force

·        This word adds meaning to how forcefully the soldier shook his head “no” in response to being asked if he wanted to come inside the magician’s home.



Page 18, Paragraph 5

“Your wizardry,” the count said curtly.”

·        ADVERB

·        My Definition: sharply

·        Actual definition: rudely brief: rude or abrupt

·        This word adds meaning to the story by tapping into Count Scarazoni’s personality.  He is a very sharp, short-tempered man, and the word curtly is well used.



Page 19, Paragraph 3

“Though born and raised in the city, Fabrizio had never been to the castello, which sat atop the steep hills and cast a shadow over the municipality.

·        NOUN

·        My definition: town

·        Actual definition: place with own local government: a city, town, or other region that has its own local government

·        Again, by using a formal word such as municipality, Avi is creating a sense of royalty and power that is held in the castello.



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Midnight Magic Lesson Plan