English Language Arts Grade 5
1.02 Select key vocabulary critical to the text and apply
appropriate meanings as necessary for comprehension.
1.03 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:
wide reading.
word study.
word reference materials.
content area study.
writing process elements.
writing as a tool.
examining the authors craft.
1.04 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary,
thesaurus, on-line reference tools) to identify and comprehend unknown
1.05 Read independently daily from self-selected materials
(consistent with the students independent reading level) to:
increase fluency.
build background knowledge.
expand and refine vocabulary.
2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after
reading, listening, and viewing by:
making predictions.
formulating questions.
supporting answers from textual information, previous
experience, and/or other sources.
drawing on personal, literary, and cultural understandings.
seeking additional information.
2.04 Identify elements of fiction and nonfiction and
support by referencing the text to determine the:
plot development.
authors choice of words.
effectiveness of figurative language (e.g., personification,
3.02 Make connections between texts by recognizing similarities
and differences based on a common lesson, theme, or message.
4.01 Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency,
comprehension, expression, and personal style demonstrating an awareness
of volume, pace, audience, and purpose.
4.03 Make oral and written presentations to inform or
persuade selecting vocabulary for impact.
5.04 Determine the impact of word choice on written and
spoken language.
5.08 Create readable documents through legible handwriting
and word processing.
Social Studies Grade 5
1.03 Ask and answer questions using learned material
orally and in writing.
2.01 Demonstrate understanding of spoken and written
words, phrases, and statements relating to familiar topics.
2.02 Demonstrate understanding of oral and written questions
about familiar topics.
2.05 Make inferences from simple oral and written selections
(e.g., conversations, dialogs, narratives, songs, rhymes, chants, and children
literature) about familiar topics.
3.02 Recite poetry and sing songs.
4.03 Learn age-appropriate songs, rhymes, dances, and
games of children in the target cultures.
4.07 Identify people and products and their importance
to the target cultures.