Joey Pigza Loses Control
Section 4 Pages 68-90

Character Sketcher
Your job is to identify and sketch one of the following characters:  Joey, Dad, Grandma, Leezy, or Pablo.  Make sure to identify actions (traits), explain traits, identify the problem and solution in the reading, and complete a sketch or illustration of the character.


Discussion Director
Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible).  Ask good thinking questions!  Ask the following:

1 Thinking Question
1 Cause/Effect
1 Problem/Solution
1 Prediction
1 Characterization

Passage Picker
Your job is to pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 Humorous
2 Simile
1 Fantasy
1 Metaphor
1 Descriptive


Word Wizard
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following roles:  (pick 4)

Chihuahua   p. 72   par. 5  Mischievous p. 73  par.  5
Berserk        p. 73   par. 1  Gyrating p. 77  par.  4
Amputated p. 73   par. 2  Piñata  p. 83  par.  1
Porridge p. 73   par. 5  Atomized p. 84  par.  2


Your job is to briefly summarize today's reading.  Make sure to include the important main ideas, characters, and points in this reading.
