Joey Pigza Loses Control
Section 6 Pages 117-152

Character Sketcher
Your job is to identify and sketch one of the following characters:  Dad, Grandma, Joey, or Pablo.  Identify actions (traits), explain traits, identify the problem and solution in the reading, and complete a sketch or illustration of the character.  If you have already drawn both of these characters, choose one and draw that character doing something from this reading.


Discussion Director
Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible).  Ask good thinking questions!  Ask the following:

1 Cause/Effect
1 Characterization
1 Prediction
2 On your own


Passage Picker
Your job is to pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 Simile
1 Informative
1 Sincere/Sweet
1 Surprising
1 Descriptive


Word Wizard
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following roles:

Erratically   p. 117     par. 3
Cathedral p. 114     par.  1
Boulders p. 134    par. 5
Hyper  p. 138    par. 7
Forfeit  p. 146    par. 6


Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading.  Make sure to include all the main ideas, characters, and points from the reading.
