Ramona Forever

Section 6 p.112-125


Discussion Director

Your job is to ask questions, write the answers to the questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found.  Choose at least four:

- cause/effect


-thinking question

-figurative language



Character Sketcher

You job is to sketch the saleswoman who was watching Ramona


Passage Picker

Pick passages that have at least 2 of the following:






-on your own


Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet for 3 of the following words:

Ruffed p.115 par.5

Glimpse p.116 par.1

Myriad p.118 par.1

Grimly p.120 par. 3

Daintily p.123 par.1

Caterer p.125 par.3


Internet Investigator

Search the Ben and Jerry Site http://www.benjerry.com/ and say what your favorite flavor is and why.


Artful Artist-

Draw an event anyway that you would like.  Make sure to include the important people in this picture.  Write a short paragraph about the theme and event pictured here.