1. p. 10 para 5 & 6
First Words: "Sure Will,"
Last Words: her face.
This passage is a descriptive passage because it is describing the appearance of Alice by describing her clothes and her features. It also describes the museum that Alice works at.
Thinking Question:
Why do you think working at the museum makes Alice thirsty?
This passage is important because it helps the reader visualize what Alice looks like. They can picture her walking across the room in her jeans and cotton shirt. The sixth paragraph describes Alice's figure and hair. I think it helps a reader understand the story better when they know what the characters look like.
What does this passage add to the story?
This passage
adds meaning and description to the story. Without this paragraph
the reader would have no idea what Alice looks like or where she works.
I enjoy reading books that describe the characters and they do not require
you to make up their appearance as you are reading. I also think
it helps you identify with Alice because you find out where she works.
2. p. 19 para 1-3
First Words: "I want to
Last Words: all so beautiful."
This passage is a dialect passage because it is a conversation between Benny, Violet, and Jessie. They are discussing Benny's favorite carousel horse the dapple gray.
Thinking Question:
Why do you think the dapple gray is Benny's favorite horse?
This passage is important because it gives some background information about carousel horses. It also gives you some insight into how Benny feels about the carousel horses especially the dapple gray.
What does this passage add to the story?
This passage
adds to the story because it lets the readers know what the characters
are thinking and feeling. You know this because it is dialogue it
contains words that the characters are thinking and saying to each other.
I think that it is important to include some dialect because it makes the
story flow and it adds to the whole plot of the story.
3. p.26 para 1
First Words: Jessie glanced
Last words: Wonderful horses
This passage is an own my own passage. I chose it because I was intrigued by the daughter trying to get the father to sell the prize horses. I was thinking the same thing as I was reading so I was surprised to turn the page and find this paragraph.
Thinking Question:
Will Karen be able to talk Joshua to sell the horses?
This passage is important because it brings up the importance of the carousel horses. Karen wants to update the park and her father, Joshua, wants to keep the park traditional. The two have completely different opinions on the amusement park, but they both want what is best for the park. They may not agree on what is the best way to achieve improving the park, but they both have good intentions.
What does this passage add to the story?
This passage
adds some description and an important question in the book. Throughout
the book I wondered if the daughter was a part of the scandal and this
paragraph added to that suspicion. I think the author did a good
job of providing the reader with many different characters to suspect.