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2. Adler, David A. (1984). Cam Jansen and the Mystery
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3. Adler, David A. (1986). Cam Jansen and the Mystery
of the Stolen Corn Popper. New
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4. Adler, David A. (1997). Cam Jansen and the Scary
Snake Mystery. New York: Puffin
5. Avi. (1988). Something Upstairs. New York: Avon Camelot Books.
6. Funke, Cornelia. (2000). The Thief Lord. New York: Scholastic Inc.
7. Konigsburg, E. L. (1967). From the Mixed-up Files
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8. Warner, Gertrude Chandler. (1992). The Amusement
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9. Warner, Gertrude Chandler. (1942). The Boxcar Children.
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10. www.proteacher.com
11. www.qesn.meq.gour.qc.ca/schools/olp/2mmclub/98-99/burke.htm
12. www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/
13. www.barnesandnoble.com