Bad Girls
Section 7 p. 101-140
Character Sketcher
Draw a sketch of a character that hasn’t been done in your group yet.
Discussion Director
Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par., where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:
1 figurative language
1 mood
1 problem/solution
1 villain
1 cause/effect
Passage Picker
Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 melancholy
1 controversial
1 persuasive
1 surprising
Word Wizard
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:
Sauntering p. 106 par. 1st (uncompleted)
Clamored p. 112 par. 12
Pleadingly p. 127 par. 5
Scrabbled p. 140 par. 3
Your job is to research relevant information that relates to the material we are reading in our Literature Circles. You will look at a few websites (given by the teacher) and answer some questions (given by the teacher) and give the information to your group when you have researched it. If you have any extra information please feels free to share it.
What are some ways to handle unkind people? List 4 ways to handle the bullies during difficult times.
What are some things you can do when you know someone is stealing?
What can happen if you steal?