Grace’s Letter to Lincoln

Section 3; p. 1-36

(2nd- 3rd grade plan)


Discussion Director

Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible).  Ask good thinking questions!  Pick 5 from the following:



1 Setting

1 Figurative Language

1 Prediction

1 Cause/ Effect

1 “Thinking” Question on your own


Passage Picker

Pick 4 passages from the following passage types:


1 Funny/ Amusing

1 Problem/ Solution

1 Important

1 Simile

1 Descriptive


Word Wizard

Your job is to complete the role sheet for the following words (Pick 5):


Conscience       p. 6    par.5

Fortunate          p.11   par.7

Loomed            p.13   par.5

Patriots             p.16   par.8

Hesitated          p.22   par.3

Marveled          p.25   par.7

Preserved          p.29   par.1


Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch one of the following characters:

Grace, Jennie, Grace’s mother or father



Page 9, Paragraph 5- “Grace licked her lips.  She wanted to ask Jefferson what it was like to be a slave, but that would be rude.  Instead she asked, ‘Will you get another job making stoves like you did for Papa?’”


Read this paragraph and the following page.  Then, write a paragraph describing a time when you wanted to ask a question but did not because you thought it may be rude.  Include the question and what you think the answer may be.