The Drinking Gourd: A Story of the Underground Railroad

Section 1; p. 6-31

(2nd- 3rd grade plan)


Role:  Passage Picker


Passage #1


  1. Page 17
  2. 1st two words:  “Tommy tugged…

Last two words:  the ground.”

  1. Descriptive Passage
  2. This passage is a descriptive type of passage because I could easily imagine the scene that was portrayed by the author.  I could envision the chaos that occurred in the church, as well as the geese squawking and fluttering.
  3. Do you think that this section of the story would have been different if Tommy would not have been disruptive during church?

Yes, this section would have been different.  Deacon Fuller would not have sent Tommy home if he had not been disruptive during church.  Therefore, he probably would not have ventured into the barn on his way home and made his discovery. 

  1. Why did the author include this passage in this story?

I believe that the author included this passage in this story because it added excitement right from the start.  It also gave way for Tommy to make his discovery in the barn.


Passage #2


  1. Page 28
  2. 1st two words:  “We been…

Last two words:  be free!”

  1. Interesting Passage
  2. This passage is an interesting type of passage because I had never heard of “the drinking gourd” before.  I did not know that it was the ‘Big Dipper’.  I also learned that the front end of “the drinking gourd” points straight towards the North Star.
  3. Do you think that the information given about “the drinking gourd” is true?  Why?

Yes, I do think that this information is true.  The slaves needed some way to find their next destination during the night.  This sounds like a pretty productive solution.  It also makes sense for them to follow the direction that points to the North Star because, as we learned earlier, the slaves were trying to move North to escape the imprisonment of the South.

  1. What does this passage add to the story?

This passage adds meaning to the story.  The title of the book is The Drinking Gourd.  Before I read this passage in the book, I did not know what “the drinking gourd” meant.  Now I have a little insight into what this book may be about and what “the drinking gourd” will mean to the story.



Passage #3


  1. Page 26
  2. 1st two words:  “Is Deacon…

Last two words:  Big Jeff.”     

  1. Informative Passage
  2. This passage is an informative type of passage because the story begins to take shape at this point.  We learn that there are people hiding in Tommy’s father’s barn, why they are hiding there and who they are.  I believe that learning that Deacon Fuller is aware of the situation is very important at this point in the story because if he was not, the story could have taken a completely different turn.
  3. Why do you think that Deacon Fuller took part in hiding these people in his barn?

I believe that Mr. Fuller hid these people in his barn because they are slaves.  However, it took a very, very kind man to help slaves during this time.  Therefore, I believe that he helped them because he has a very big heart and could not imagine these people being kept in captivity and maybe even separated for the rest of their lives.

  1. Why did the author include this passage in the story?

The author included this passage in the story to help the reader become more involved in the ‘Underground Railroad’.  The author also gives us insight into who the people in the barn are.  It is also very important that we know that Deacon Fuller is aware of the slave’s presence in the barn.  This lets us know that he is also a participant in the ‘Underground Railroad’.