Pirates Past Noon: Section 5- Character Sketcher (p. 1-32)


Implied Character Traits (3)

1. (trait)_inteligent_____ p. _4_ par. _2__

_Jack reads a lot of books in the tree house. he was concerned that they were getting wet.___

(explanation or proof of trait)

2. (trait)  Curious___p. 17 par. 3

_______Jack carries a notebook to record interesting events. He draws a picture of the

Piarates flag._____________________________

(explanation or proof of trait)

3. (trait)__Brave__p. __20_par.__1__

_Jack went back to get his book as the pirates came onto the shore.___


(explanation or proof of trait)

Character Goal:

___Jack  _’s goal is to

______meet the Mysterious M person who has put all the books in the tree house_.


___Jack_________’s problem is

_____He wasn't sure he was ready to meet the M person yet._

Solution or Possible Solution: ___Jack is worries about meeting this M person but, I think his sister will ease his worries and they will be happy to meet the person who has been supplying their books. __________________________________________________________


Now complete an illustration to describe characters physical description by information given in the text.

Jack and Annie

Here are some examples of Character traits:


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