The Watsons Go To Birmingham

Section Two p. 20-46


Discussion Director

Your job is to form 4 questions and answers for this section.  Be sure to include the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found.  Ask thoughtful questions!

 1 Multiple Choice EOG Question

1 Cuase/Effect

1 Mood

1 Compare Kenny and Rufus

1 Moral

1 Setting


Passage Picker

Pick a passage that exhibits all of the following.







Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch Rufus Fry or Kenny.

Click HERE to see an example of Character Sketcher.


Word Wizard

Your job is to complete the role sheet for 3 of the following words.  Be sure to include the sentence in which the word is used, the definition, and a Word Wizard card for each.


Hostile              p 23   par 1

Vital                 p 23   par 1

Emulate            p 24   par 3

Reinforcement p 38   par 6


Internet Investigator

Look at this website about bullying.  Answer the following questions.


  1. Just like Kenny was bullied in the book, children around the world are bullied everyday.  Tell about different types of bulling.
  2. What should you do if you are being bullied?
  3. List the email and telephone resource listed on the website.
  4. How many emails do they receive that relate to bullying?
  5. What can you do to stop bullying?