Little House in the Big Woods

Section 4    p.83-100


Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, or baby Carrie


Discussion Director

Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:

1  Theme/Moral

1  Setting

1  Cause/Effect

2 "Thinking" Question on your own


Passage Picker

Pick 3 passages that exhibit the following:

1 Descriptive

1 Interesting

1 Surprising

1 On Your Own


Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet for 3 of the following words:

heaped        p. 84 par. 1

pity             p. 85 par. 6

sorrowfully p. 86 par. 4

sternly        p. 86 par. 3

solemn        p. 87 par. 3

catechism  p. 89 par. 1   


Internet Investigator

Your job is to review the following website and answer the following questions:

Click here to see an example

Since the girls complain about being bored and having nothing to do on Sundays maybe you could have given them a few suggestions by checking out some ideas on this website.

How many suggestions are listed on this website for things to do when you are bored?

Do you think Laura and Mary could’ve done all of these things? Why/ why not?

What things would you have suggested for them to do given the time of year, date, and place?

What are your favorite and least favorite items listed here?

What do you think Laura and Mary would have liked to do from this list?