Little House in the Big Woods

Section 1    p. 1-23


Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, or baby Carrie


Discussion Director

Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:

2 Prediction

1 Mood question

1 Cause/Effect

1 "Thinking" Question on your own

Click here to see an example


Passage Picker

Pick 3 passages that exhibit the following:

2 Descriptive

1 Figurative Language

1 On Your Own


Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet for 3 of the following words:

venison        p. 5 par. 1

hides            p. 6 par. 3

smoldered    p. 9 par. 1

haste            p. 11 par. 3

scalded         p. 14 par. 1

simmered     p. 17 par. 2   


Internet Investigator

Your job is to review the following website and answer the following questions:

Why did Laura Ingalls Wilder write her stories?

Mrs. Wilder has lived in many parts of the country. Name a few places she has lived.

Did Laura Ingalls Wilder think her books would become so famous? Why/why not?

What other books has she published and where do these stories take place?

Would you read any more of her books? Why/ why not?