Word Wizard
- Lynched
p.1 par.1
- My own
grandfather had been lynched about thirty years before by a mob of White
Demons almost the moment he had set foot on their shores.
- Verb-To
inflict punishment upon.
- To
inflict punishment upon, without forms of law, as by a mob.
- This
word lets the reader know how the White Demons mistreat the Tang people.

- Tuberculosis
p.7 par.2
- Many
of them had the lung disease tuberculosis was the demon word and they
hacked and spat constantly.
- Noun-
A lung disease.
- A
disease due to the formation of tubercles consumption.
- This
tells about what happened to the people who were beaten by the demons, they
eventually died.
p.16 par.1
- But
Uncle liked to say that the demons had examined him more rigorously than any
government exam.
Adverb-Rough, harsh, bad.
- The
test was so rigorous that it took the class three hours to finish.
5. This passage lets the reader know just how hard, and
rough the demons test for the Tang people is.
- Prosperity
p.23 par.1
- “Peace
and prosperity upon this store.”
- Noun-Successful
- Flourishing
state, satisfactory progress, success.
- This
lets the reader know that Moon Shadow's dad is successful in his business
and life.
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