The 2nd graders that I will be teaching during this Literature Circle are at the highest reading level, but they will still need modifications.  I modified each one of the Lit Circle jobs to make them a little easier, but still keeping the concept of each job the same.  Throughout the Unit I will be monitoring the children and their understanding of the 5 jobs.  If some are having trouble with their jobs, I will make more modifications when necessary.

**Discussion Director**

Discussion director will only need to develop 2 thinking questions for the section instead of 5.  If the student is having problems developing the questions on their own, I will show them some of my examples.

**Passage Picker**

Passage Picker will only find one passage and express his or her feelings to the group about why this section is important or significant to the story.  Usually passage picker selects multiple passages from the section.

**Character Sketcher**

The character sketcher will only identify 2 traits about their character instead of 3 and accompany that with a drawing.

**Word Wizard**

For word wizard the student will find 2 words in the section.  For each word they will read the sentence that the word is used in and make a short word wizard card.  The word wizard card will have the page number, a short definition, and one synonym.  The student will also draw the words on the cards.  If the student is having trouble with doing 2 cards, I will only ask them to do one.


With the investigator's job, I have provided them with ideas and helpful resources so they do not have to do that on their own. (books, websites, etc.)

 **Artful Artist**

I will also help artful artist with their task by providing them with ideas for activities.

**Activity Activator**

I have provided an activity for activity activator to lead with the group instead of them coming up with it on their own.


**I have a group of 7 children, so the children will also be able to pair up on some of the harder jobs like, discussion director, word wizard, and investigator.




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