Bibliography and references


McDonald, Megan;  Judy Moody.  Candlewick Press, Mass 2002.  This is the novel I used to base my literature circle unit around.

  I used this website to find a few of the animated pictures of Judy Moody I included on my website.

This is a great website that discusses Judy Moody and had a great picture of the cover of the book.

This is a child friendly website I used for the Internet Investigator job in section 1 of the lit circle.  This is an interesting website is about the Whitetip Shark!

This is a website I used for the Internet Investigator job in section 2.  This is a kid-friendly website about the Venus Flytrap.

This is a website I used for the Internet Investigator job in section 3.  The site is about the chicken pox!

This website was used for the Internet Investigator job in section 4.  This website is about the life cycle of a frog!

This website was used for the Internet Investigator job in section 5.  This is a website for children about cavities and how to take good care of your teeth!




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