Section 1 Pages 1-31


Click on the title of the job for more information about what is expected for that job.


Character Sketcher:  Your job is to create a character sketch of Judy Moody.


Discussion Director:  Your job is to create 5 thinking questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) about Judy's problems that are causing her to be in a bad mood.  Write down the question, the answer, and the page and paragraph where you found the answer.


Passage Picker:  Your job is to select 3 passages from the text.  One paragraph should illustrate a simile, the second paragraph should be descriptive, and the last paragraph should illustrate alliteration.


Word Wizard:  Your job is to complete word wizard cards for two of the three words below and then complete the vocabulary activities that go along with your words.

memorizing pg. 9 par.1; surveyed pg. 20 par. 5;  collage pg. 24 par. 1

Synonyms Word Antonyms


Word Networks

What people, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word memorizing?





What people, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word surveyed ?




What people, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word collage ?





Internet Investigator Judy draws a picture of a shark along with the words "I ate shark" on her blank t-shirt to wear on the first day of school.  Click on the link below and use the website to learn more about Whitetip Reef Sharks.

Whitetip Reef Shark Website  1.) What is the main diet of Whitetip Reef Sharks? 

                                                                2.) Where can the Whitetip Reef Sharks usually be found?

                          3.)  What type of markings do the Whitetip Reef Sharks have and where are these markings found?


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