Section 2 Pages 32-60


Character Sketcher:  Your job is to complete a character sketch of Stink.  Use details from section two to help you with your character sketch.


Discussion Director:  Your job is to ask five (5) "thinking questions."  Come up with two questions on your own that will spark discussion within your group about events that occurred in section 2.  Choose three (3) from the following types of questions to ask:  MCEOG, Point of View, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution, Mood, Setting.


Passage Picker:  Pick four (4) passages that exhibit the following:  two (2) descriptive; one (1) figurative language; and one (1) on your own.  Write down the page number, paragraph number, and the first two and last two words in the passage.  Why did the author include these passages in the story?  What do these passages add to the story? Think of a good thinking question for each of the four (4) passages to ask your group.  Write down your questions as well as the answer to your questions


Word Wizard:  Make word wizard cards for two of the three words below and then complete the vocabulary activities that go along with your words.

dangled pg. 34 par. 1; unscrunched pg. 37 par. 6; narrowing pg. 52 par. 6

Have you Ever?

    Describe a time when you might use the word dangled.  Have you ever had anything dangled in front of you?  Why might someone have dangled a toy in front of a cat?


Describe a time when you might use the word unscrunched.  Have you ever unscrunched anything?  Why might someone have unscrunched an important piece of paper?


Describe a time when you might use the word narrowing.  Have you ever been caught narrowing your eyes at someone?  Why might someone be narrowing their eyes at their little brother or sister?


Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

The little boy dangled                                     in front of his dog.

I had to hurry and try to unscrunch my homework because                                .

I could see my mom's eyes narrowing at me because                                      .


Internet Investigator:  Judy goes to the pet store and ends up buying a Venus flytrap.  She loves her new pet and works hard to take care of it.  Click on the link below and use the website to learn more about the Venus flytrap.

Venus Flytrap Website: 1.) How many different species of the Venus Flytrap are there?

                                            2.) The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant.  What does it eat?

                                            3.) Where can you buy a Venus Flytrap and about how much does one cost?


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