Section 4 Pages 94-118


Character Sketcher:  Your job is to complete a character sketch of Frank.  Use details from section four to help you with your character sketch.


Discussion Director:  Your job is to ask five (5) meaningful, thinking questions.  You should also write the answers to your questions, as well as the page number and paragraph number where the answer was found (if possible).  Ask the following types of questions:  one (1) Multiple Choice End of Grade, two (2) Mood, one (1) Cause/Effect, and one (1) Setting.


Passage Picker:  Pick out three (3) passages you would like to share with your group and write down the page number, paragraph number, and the first and last two words of the passages.  The passages you pick should be a variety of the following types of passages:  surprising, descriptive, show dialect, or mysterious/intriguing.  Why did you choose this type of passage?  Why do you think the author included this type of passages in the book? Think of a good thinking question for each of the three (3) passages to ask your group.  Write down your question as well as the answer to your question.


Word Wizard:  Make word wizard cards for two of the three words below and then complete the vocabulary activities that go along with your words.

Amphibians pg. 97 par. 4; Hurling pg. 101 par. 4; Chaperones pg. 112 par. 2


Alike and Different

What is alike or different about these words: Amphibians and Reptiles?  Hurling and Throwing?  Chaperones and Parents?


Have you Ever?

Describe a time when you might use the word amphibians.  Have you ever studied or seen an amphibian?  What subject might someone study amphibians in? 

Describe a time when you might use the word hurling.  Have you ever hurled anything across the room?  What does it mean for someone to hurl something across the room?

Describe a time when you might use the word chaperones.  Have you ever had a chaperone on a field trip?  Why are chaperones important on field trips?


Internet Investigator: Judy gives Frank a "tadpole kit with real live frog eggs" for his birthday.  Click on the link below and learn more about the life cycle of frogs.


Tadpole Website 1.) How many eggs does a frog lay at one time?

                                   2.) The mass of cells in the egg come to form a what?

                                    3.) After about how many weeks does the tadpole begin to change?


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