NCSCS Objectives
Standard Course of Study: English/Language Arts:
1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to read self-selected texts independently for 20 minutes daily.
2.02 Use text for a variety of functions, including literary, informational, and practical.
2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text.
2.06 Recall facts and details from a text.
3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by listening, discussing, and composing texts when responding to literature that is read and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by teacher, literature circles, interest groups, book clubs).
4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate synonyms for commonly over used words to increase clarity of written and oral communication.
4.04 Use oral communication to identify, organize, and analyze information
4.05 Respond appropriately when participating in group discourse by adapting language and communication behaviors to the situation to accomplish a specific purpose.
4.07 Compose first drafts using an appropriate writing process:
Standard Course of Study: Music:
6.02 Demonstrate perceptual skills by answering questions about and describing aural musical examples of various styles and cultures.
6.07 Show respect while listening to and analyzing music.
7.02 Explain personal reactions to musical works.
Standard Course of Study Social Studies:
3.01 Compare similarities and differences between oneself and others.
3.02 Describe similarities and differences among families in different communities.
3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their contributions to society.