Section Three

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Section 3: Pages 16-19: Ten Dollars and a Horn


Question Creator


Your job will be to write down three questions that you will ask group members. At least one of the questions must be a “fat” question.  The “fat” question should be about the main idea of the section.  * Remember pick important questions because these questions will guide the groups’ discussion.  


Word Wizard:


            Your job is to complete steps 1-4 below using the words:


   Deliver      page 16             


   Offer          page 18


1.  Word_____  Page number____

2.  Write down the sentence that the word is in and underline the word. 

  1. Go back and re-read the sentence and write down what you think this word could mean (definition)
  2.  Using your two words complete one of the following vocabulary exercises (A or B.):


A. Synonyms (same) and Antonyms (different):


Word and Page Number

1 Synonym (same)

1 Antonym (different)








B. Word association:


Write down three words that you think of when you see the word Deliver


Write down three words you think of when you here the word Offer


(Example:  Old:  Grandma, rotten, gray hair)




Artistic Adventurer:


            Your job is to pick a part of the story in this section and draw a picture of what happened.  Make sure at the top or bottom of the paper that you write down a description of your picture.  You may also draw something that did not happen in the book as long as you write about what your picture has to do with what we just read.




Character Sketcher:


            Your job will be to draw a picture of Louis Armstrong and inside his head or somewhere else on the page write some things you learned about him in this section.

Think about:




Poetic Poet


            Your job is to pick a word, subject, or feeling from the section.  You then must write two lines of a poem about this word, subject, or feeling from the section.  It can rhyme but does not have to.