Buttons for General Washington

Section 5 p. 30-48


Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch General Washington was appreciative? You decide. Why or why not.


~Give two more and be able to explain and site why he possesses this trait.


traits __________ page___ paragraph ___




traits __________ page___ paragraph ___



 Discussion Director

Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. where the answers are found (if possible).  Each question should be based on the following:

~ setting

~ cause/effect

~ prediction

~ problem/solution

~  thinking question of your own


 Passage Picker

 Pick 4 passages that exhibit some the following:


 ~ 2 figurative language

~ 1 descriptive

~ 1 good thinking question on your own

~ Important passage

~ Surprising passage

~ Descriptive passage


1. write down the page___ and paragraph___ numbers.

2. write down the first two words___ ___ and last two words ___ ___ of the passage.


Word Wizard

Your job is to look up, define, and understand the following words:


~ Shortcut p. 32

~ Prowling p. 38

~ Stiffly p. 41

~ Decode p. 41


On your word wizard card do the following:

1. word____________ p. ____ par._____

2. copy sentence from the book with the word in it.

3. write the definition of the word

4. artistically represent your word.


Fill out a word network for 2 of the words.




Read p. 24 in Liberty! about spies. Make sure you read the paragraph at the bottom in BOLD on p. 24 about the Darragh family. Answer and be ready to discuss the following questions:

1. What was a cipher?

2. Who was Benedict Arnold?

3. How is he remembered?

4. What else did you think was cool about this passage?

