Discussion Director:

Peter and the Starcatchers

Sections 2 & 3 (pages 37-95)


·        Your job is to involve the students in your group by thinking and talking about the selection of the book you have just read. You are going to ask questions that really help the students in your group think about the reading. Your questions should require students to discuss their interpretations of the text and connect background experience and knowledge with the text. You want all students involved in the discussion and talking about the issues that come up during the reading.


·        Your job as the Discussion Director is to come up with 5 thinking questions. Your teacher really wants you to help the students in your group to go back to the book to find their answers if they don’t know them. So, to help this run very smoothly, you need to write down the questions, your answers, and the page numbers where the students can reference the text to justify their responses to your questions.


·        When developing your questions, think about the following main events:


Peter’s conversations with the boys and their time spent on board The Neverland



Peter’s quest for food


Peter’s adventure in “the hold”

Preston and Harbuckle’s predicament


Black Stache prepares for “the kill”

Molly’s message to the porpoises


Peter confronts Molly…angry words!




·        You are not limited to these events.

·        Remember to ask good thinking questions to really get the discussion going.