Internet Workshop for Bud, Not
This internet workshop will introduce you to our unit on Bud, Not Buddy. This book takes place in Michigan during the Great Depression. You will have an opportunity to explore information on the Internet. Take notes in your Internet Journal. Come prepared to share your information at our workshop session. We will discuss possible ways of presenting your information (Inspirations, PowerPoint, Poster, Graphic Organizer, What Am I Poem, Who Am I Poem, or I Poem).
Remember when you are presenting your information, it is good to make sure you have covered Who it is about, What happened, Where, When, Why, and How .
Workshop 1 (After Reading Kids During the Great Depression)
1. Go to the bookmark I have set for the Wall Street Crash and the Depression
Now Click on each of the sites below. Read about several of the causes that are of interest to you. Take notes and be ready to share some of the causes and outcomes (effects) of the depression during workshop.
2. Go to the kids thinkquest
You will click on the Dow Jones Industrial Average | Stock Market Crash | to find out some important information. This will help us to better understand how our country ended up in a depression. You will then click on Whose Fault Is It? to find how all of this information comes together. Take good notes and be ready to share with us all of the information you uncovered.
3. Be a detective. Try to find out who the authors of the website are and where the information comes from. Do you trust these sources? Why or why not? What can you do to make sure that the information you are reading is accurate?
Workshop 2 (After Reading Bud, Not Buddy Ch. 1-9; this is the workshop RE 4030 students will complete)
1. Read about Hoover as President and then click on Scroll down to President to read how President Hoover's administration "handled" the depression. Do you believe his methods were effective? Please be prepared to justify your response.
2. Next you will click on the following websites to learn about Hoovervilles.
Please answer the following questions:
What were Hoovervilles? When were they created? Why were they created?
Why do you believe the Federal Government had difficulty taking care of its people during this time?
Then click on
for photographs depicting "Hoovervilles." Please be able to describe your feelings after viewing these pictures. Report back to the group your findings on Hoover's administration and "Hoovervilles."
Workshop 3
1. As a result of The Great Depression, many things were happening in our country. Labor Unions were on the rise. Click on and then click on Labor Unions Rise!. Read this information and report your findings on the history of labor unions. Then click on to read further about labor unions during The Great Depression, why unions were needed and what happened with the unions.
2. Many programs were established as a result of The Great Depression. Click on Relief In Sight! to find out about the effects of the depression. You may also be interested in learning about FDR and the many programs he implemented to bring relief during these horrific times. Read about The effort to restore prosperity and The New Deal coalition. Be ready to discuss several effects of the depression and how FDR responded to the depression; read, take good notes and be ready to report your findings.
If there are topics/issues you wish to explore further, is an excellent site. Enjoy!