Passage Picker

Pick out the passage you would like to share with your group and write down the page 20 and paragraph 6.

Write down the first two words The children and the last two words crooked tooth of your passage.

The passage you chose is a great example of a descriptive/simile type of passage.

Possible "Types" of Passages

Important Informative  interesting
Surprising   controversial    descriptive
Historical      confusing     persuasive
Dialect        simile     metaphor
Personification    idiom        alliteration
Fantasy       thematic       scientific
Problem/solution    fact/opinion cause/effect
foreshadowing step by step  math







This passage is a descriptive passage because it describes in great detail the dilapidated, run-down house of Count Olaf where the children will soon be living. The simile is The entire building sagged to the side like a crooked tooth. It is a simile because the author compares the building to a crooked tooth.


Think of a good thinking question about the passage. Write it down along with the answer to this question.

How is the house of Justice Strauss described? Compare this description with that of Count Olaf’s? Where would you rather live and why?

6. Answer one of these questions in a complete sentence(s): Why did the author include this passage in the story? What does this passage add to the story?

The comparison of the two houses emphasizes what a horrible place the children will soon find themselves living. It makes us feel sorry and afraid for the children considering what they have already been through.