Character Sketcher
Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that have not
yet been done. Sketch either Trotter, William Earnest, or Miss Harris.
Discussion Director
Your job is to ask five questions from this section of the book.
Give page numbers and paragraphs where the answers can be found (if possible).
Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:
1 Character
1 Compare/Contrast
1 Setting
2 Prediction
Passage Picker
Your job is to find four passages that exhibit the following:
1 foreshadowing
1 fact/opinion
1 interesting
1 on your own
Word Wizard
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:
Reluctantly p. 87 par. 6
Looming p. 98 par. 4
Dignity p.98 par. 4
Tentatively p. 100 par. 7
Obligation p. 104 par.1
Perpetual p. 108 par. 6
Inexorably p. 111 par. 2
Artful Artist
Your job is to draw a picture that illustrates what you liked best
about this section of the book. After finishing your picture, write
about your drawing. Include in your response:
-who or what your picture is about
- where my picture takes place
- when it is happening
- why you drew it