A Week in the Woods

Section 6, p. 111 – 135


Character Sketcher


Your job is to sketch Mr. Maxwell.



Discussion Director


Your job is to ask five questions, give the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph number of where you found your answers.  Ask questions that will make you think!


2 Characterization, 1 MCEOG, 1 Fact/Opinion, 1 Effect/Cause



Passage Picker


Your job is to find four passages that exhibit the following:


2 Informative, 1 Surprising, 1 Cause/Effect



Word Wizard


Your job is to complete your roll sheet for the following words:


*tolerance – p. 111, par. Title of Chapter 14

*woodstove – p. 116, par. 2

*brigade – p. 117, par. 3

*auditorium – p. 120, par. 7

*embarrassed – p. 134, par. 4



Internet Investigator


In this section on page 113, Jason makes a reference to “Old Man of the Mountain Maxwell.”  Your job is to visit this website on the “Old Man of the Mountain” and answer the questions:




1.                  Where is the Old Man of the Mountain located?

2.                  How high up does the Old Man sit?

3.                  How big is the Old Man?

4.                  When did the Old Man collapse?

5.                  Why did the Old Man collapse?





Your job is to connect this book to the outside world.  Write a paragraph answering one of these statements:


Explain how this story reminds you of another book you have read.


Does this story remind you of anything that has happened to you, a friend, or someone else in your family?


(Include who or what your connection is about, where and when it happened, what happened, and how it connects or deals with a part of the story.)