Character Sketcher

Aunt Jessie



Character Traits (3)

  1. Bizarre p. 4 par. 1st and 2nd

Aunt Jessie was Bizarre with the beliefs that she had about life and death.  She felt that baby’s first bed should be a dresser drawer and the person’s last bed should be a dresser drawer.


  1. Compassionate p. 6 par. 1st complete

Aunt Jessie always had time for Zinny and when I wasn’t sick they always took me on health walks.  Not only did she care about me but also she and Uncle Nate were walking encyclopedias.


  1. Noticeable p. 18 par.1st

Aunt Jessie was very noticeable because of her red hair.  This is also how she acquired her nickname of “REDBIRD”.  She was Uncle Nates only Redbird. 



Character Goal:

Aunt Jessie’s goal was to be kind to all and share her life with others.  She cared about what she believed in and was strong about letting others know what she believed.



Aunt Jessie’s problem is that she misses her daughter Rose daily and she has a hard time dealing with her loss.  She never expresses her feelings about the loss of her only child.


Solution or Possible Solution:

A possible solution for Aunt Jessie is to express her feelings about Rose.





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