Character Sketcher
Character Traits:
*curious, page 1, paragraphs 1, 2, and 4, page 2, paragraph 1
Harriet was awakened by a loud noise. She was curious about what the noise was. She was eager to run to the window to see if she could find out what the noise was. She saw a circle of flattened wheat and wanted to know why the circle was there.
*concerned, page 16, paragraph 4
Harriet knew her dad would be harvesting the wheat fields. She warned Wiz about the harvest because she was concerned for his safety. She wanted Wiz to be careful because she knew her dad would shoot any rabbit he saw in his field.
*trusting, page 26, paragraph 5
Harriet believes everything Wiz tells her. She is trusting Wiz by believing all the information that he tells her. When someone believes anything and everything told to them by someone, it shows that the person is trusting.
Harriet's Goal is to protect Wiz and keep the secret she promised to keep. Harriet promised Wiz she would not tell that he was from outer space. Her goal is to make sure this secret does not get out.
Harriet's problem is making sure Wiz stays away from the combine and out of the wheat field while her father is harvesting. She does not want Wiz to get shot by her father.
Harriet took the step of warning Wiz about the combine and the harvest. She also told him that her dad shoots hares. She encouraged Wiz to stay out of the wheat field.