Writer’s Workshop: Peer-Revising


·        Focus on Revising: changing a piece of writing to make the message clearer; the focus is on meaning and not conventions. The following writing techniques need to be taught through many mini-lessons.


·        Read the piece and focus on any of the following:



o       Interesting Lead- An opening statement or paragraph that grabs the reader.



o       Strong word choice- use of descriptive words (adjectives, adverbs, and strong verbs) and figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, etc.)



o       Showing and Not Telling”- Good writers use specific examples and not just general terms-When they describe something, they use imagery, or describe what they see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.



o       Integration of dialogue with characters’ thoughts and actions to create interesting and exciting scenes- Remember to begin a new paragraph when a new character is engaged in conversation.  Include thoughtshots (what the character is thinking) as well as snapshots (showing, not telling, what the character is doing).