The Pigland News


A 10K Race Sheds New Light On The Not So Big Bad Wolf

By Tamara Bailey


    We have a wolf living among us!!! Yesterday, in Wolfville a 10K race was put on to determine the fastest wolf in town.  Scrawny Wolf entered the race hoping to win his first Wolfville title.  The winner of the race would be crowned king of Wolfville at a ceremony following the event.  Scrawny Wolf, who is now resting peacefully at Pig 3’s house, ran a race that will change his and our life forever.  Scrawny Wolf has been bullied his whole life and has very low self-esteem.  All of the other wolves have the reputation, as we all know, of being big and bad.  The only thing that Scrawny Wolf can do well is run fast, as he is neither big nor bad.  As we all know, the success of Wolfville is mainly because of the intimidating factor of its hairy, scary, citizens.  As we have learned as of yesterday, big, bad, wolves may not be all that big and bad after all. 

     Yesterday, Scrawny Wolf got up early so that he would be at the front of the pack at the starting line.  What he didn’t know was that it wasn’t early enough!  While Scrawny Wolf was sleeping, several wolves got together and plotted a scheme to throw him off course. They wanted their friend, the biggest scariest wolf, to win and subsequently become the king of Wolfville and continue to intimidate us!  The plan they cleverly made was to have Lazy Wolf wait at the halfway point and direct Scrawny Wolf to the left instead of to the right throwing him off course and leading him in the direction of Pigville.

     The wolves got into position and BANG, the starting gun sounded and they were off!  Wolf took the lead immediately and never looked back.  He made it to the halfway point and followed Lazy Wolf’s directions to the left.  He ran and ran and ran and ran.  There was no end in sight.  Just as Scrawny Wolf’s tongue started hanging out he caught sight of a house built of straw just beyond a sign that announced that he was entering Pigville.

“Pigville”, exclaimed Scrawny Wolfe. “How in the world did I end up here?”  As he came to the house, he tried to ask for a glass of water, but he was breathing so hard that Pig 1 of 208 Curly Road, thought he was huffing and puffing.  Pig 1 took off through the back window and ran as fast as he could to his brother, Pig 2’s,house.  Pig 2’s house is built of sticks and looks quite a bit sturdier. 

    “Brother, brother, let me in!” cried Pig 1. “A wolf is trying to huff and puff and blow my house down.”  Scrawny Wolf had no choice but to follow Pig 1, because he was in dire need of water.  By now, Scrawny Wolf’s voice was so hoarse and croaky that the two of them mistook this for being a scary, pig-eating wolf’s voice, so they ran together to their oldest brother’s house, Pig 3 of 114 Bacon Lane. “Brother, brother, let us in.

    A wolf is trying to huff and puff and blow our house down and eat us!’ they cried together.  Pig 3’s house is built of bricks and they believed it to be much safer.  By now Scrawny Wolfe was barely able to drag himself along and his tongue was hanging out so far that it was wrapped twice around his huge nose.  “Please pigs, may I have a drink of water?” he asked in his most neighborly voice.

    “It’s a plot,” thought the pigs.  “Water he shall have!”  “Wolf, our front door is broken, climb onto our roof and slide down the chimney and we will have a tall, cold, glass of water waiting for you,” they replied in sweet voices.

Scrawny Wolfe summoned all of his strength and slowly inched his way up the trellis to the roof.  He slid down the chimney and plopped right into a pot of hot water!  Oooh, it felt so good, just what he needed for his tired, achy body.  The pigs were so shocked at the sight and condition of Scrawny Wolf, they felt sorry for him and gave him all the drink he could hold, and fed him enough to last a week! 

    Scrawny Wolf has told us in an exclusive interview that most of the wolves of Wolfville are scrawny like him and are basically kind and neighborly.  There are only a few wolves that are big and bad and they want the entire world to be scared of them.  Scrawny Wolf has asked us to keep this information confidential, as it would ruin the reputation of the wolves, and this reputation has withstood the true test of time!  He has asked us to write a story about how a big, bad, wolf came to town and huffed and puffed and blew three houses down.  He believes if we write this version of his story, he can go home a hero and live happily ever after.  We will consider this!