Revenge of the Three Bears


By Melissa Kirkman


            Everyone knows the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears but people rarely talk about or tell the story of…The Revenge of The Three Bears.  So…I feel that it is my duty to inform the world about what went on when the three bears sought revenge on Goldilocks for wrecking their home, so here it goes…


            After papa bear, mamma bear and baby bear recovered from the shock of having their home torn apart, they were livid. So they decided to get even with Goldilocks.  Papa bear thought that they should go taste everything in Goldi’s cupboards and then leave all of the food out.  Mamma bear thought that they should go break her favorite chair.  And last, but not least, baby bear wanted to go take a nap in her bed and scare her when she got home.  The bears couldn’t decide which of the three things to do so they agreed to do all of them. 

            The bears made a very extensive and detailed plan of exactly what was going to happen on June 4th, the date that all of their schedules were open and they knew Goldi would be out of her house for most of the morning.  First, they were going to destroy her kitchen cupboards by taking out all of her food and then making a mess all over the counters and floor.  Second, they were going to break all of her chairs so she would have to sit on the cold hard floor like baby bear had been doing while Papa bear made him a new chair.  Last they planned to take a nap in Goldi’s bed until she came home so that they could scare the daylights out of her upon her return.

            The morning of June 4th came and the three bears dawned their black jumpsuits and ski masks and made their way through the forest to Goldi’s house.  When they got there they hid in the bushes until they saw her leave with a big basket and her purse. She was on her way to the market to get fresh meat from the butcher.  When Goldi was out of site, the bears snuck into the house and were horrified to see…that Goldi’s house was already a wreck.  When they stepped into the front door the bears immediately noticed that the house smelled like rotten cheese and that there was not a single chair in the whole living area that was not broken.  Papa bear roared when he walked into the kitchen and saw that there were open containers of food everywhere and crumbs all over the floor.  Baby bear had to get away from the smell so he wandered upstairs and found that Goldi’s room was a mess and that her bed was not made.  He nearly tripped when he came running down the stairs to inform the others of what he had just seen in the bedroom. 

            “What are we going to do?” cried Mamma bear.

            “This has ruined my day” roared Papa bear. “Our plans have failed and it wasn’t even our fault!”

            Baby bear just sat on the cold hard floor in silence thinking of what they could do next.

            “I’ve got it!” squeaked baby bear. “Since we can’t wreck Goldi’s house, why don’t we clean it up and make everything nice for her for when she gets back.  That will probably scare her worse then anything.”

            Papa and Mamma bear thought that this was a splendid idea, so they got to work.  They started cleaning the living area by carrying all of the dirty dishes to the basin in the kitchen where Mamma began washing them and Baby dried them.  While they were doing this Papa bear took all of the broken pieces of furniture out back to Goldi’s shed and began putting them back together.  When he was all finished, he carried the newly assembled furniture back into the house and proudly arranged it in a comfortable way around the fire place.  Mamma then swept the floor and looked around very pleased with their work. 

            Next they got started on the kitchen, which by the way, was very disgusting.  Papa and Baby bear tested the food that was in each of the containers to make sure that it wasn’t stale. They then sealed the palatable food, and put those containers back into the cupboards while Mamma disposed of the rotten food and swept the floor.  When they were finished, Papa and Baby bear were stuffed from taste testing so much food and Mamma’s back was beginning to hurt from so much sweeping.  They all wanted to take a rest, but they couldn’t quite yet because they still had to clean up Goldi’s bedroom.  The three bears slowly climbed the stairs to Goldi’s room and looked at the incredulous task ahead of them.

            You could hardly see the floor in Goldi’s room because all of her clothes were scattered all over the place.  The cleanest thing in the room was Goldi’s closet and that was only because everything that belonged in it was covering the floor.  Mamma bear immediately began to separate the clothes into dirty and clean piles.  She then separated the dirty pile by color and took them outside to the creek to begin washing them.  Papa and Baby bear were left inside to hang up the clean clothes and make the bed.  When Mamma was finished washing the clothes, she hung them in the sun on the clothes line to dry. Then she went back into the house to find Baby bear and Papa bear snuggled under the covers of Goldi’s bed. 

            “Make room for me!” Mamma yelled as she ran and jumped into the bed between Baby and Papa bear.

            Within minutes all three of the bears were snoring and dreaming of honey combs.  Little did they know but Goldi was on her way home and was very upset because the butcher had been rude to her.  When Goldi got to her front door, she noticed that the door was open just a teensy bit.  She couldn’t understand why because she was sure that she had shut it before she left home that morning.  Goldi quietly stuck her head through the small opening and gasped when she saw that her living room was clean and that all of her furniture was put back together.  She slowly stepped into the house and inhaled a great amount of what she expected to be stinky-cheese-smelling air, but instead, it smelled like springtime and flowers.  Goldi then tip-toed into her kitchen and found that it was spotless!  She ran to her cupboard and there before her eyes was a cupboard filled with edible food. Goldi was so confused that she had to sit down in one of her kitchen chairs to keep from passing out.  She could not imagine what or who had done this to her home, but at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit happy about how clean her home appeared to be so far.  When Goldi finally stopped shaking from fright, she walked up the stairs, careful to skip the steps that creaked, until she was at the top of the staircase and facing her bedroom door.  This is when she heard the three bears snoring, only it didn’t sound like snoring, it sounded like a freight-train was running through her bedroom.  She began shaking again but was determined to find out what was in her room. So, she pushed the door open and again slowly stuck her head inside.  She gasped when she saw her floor; she had almost forgotten that she had beautiful pink carpet in her room because it had been so long since she had seen it.  Her eyes then wandered to her closet and she was so excited to see her clothes hanging neatly, separated by color on the bar that stretched the length of her closet.  Goldi then turned her head to the left and toward her bed. There she saw the three bears sleeping (of all things) in her bed!  Goldi then let out the loudest, shrillest and longest scream that anyone had ever heard.  This scared the three bears so much that they all three sprung up in the bed, wide-eyed and facing Goldi.  The screaming and shrieking went on for a full five minutes until Papa bear got a hold of himself and then calmed Mamma and Baby bear down. 

Goldi tumbled down her stairs into the living area and hid behind her biggest chair.  Papa, Mamma and Baby bear slowly crept down the stairs, the whole time being careful not to make any sudden moves that might scare Goldi.  When they got to the living area, Baby bear whispered Goldi’s name and told her not to be afraid and to come out from behind her chair.  Goldi slowly peaked out from behind her chair, and she saw Baby bear peaking out from behind his mother looking about as frightened as she felt.  This made Goldi feel a bit better, and she crept out from behind the chair and asked the three bears to sit down on her couch.  Once everyone was seated they all began apologizing at once.  Papa, Mamma and Baby bear were apologizing for cleaning up Goldi’s house and then for scaring her.  Goldi was apologizing for wrecking their house.  Finally everyone stopped talking and they began laughing.  When they were all settled again Goldi asked them if they would like some tea.  They all agreed that they would, enjoy some tea, so Goldi and Mamma bear went into the kitchen and made tea, while Papa and Baby bear made a fire in the fire place.  Goldi and Mamma brought the tea into the living room, and they all settled by the fire to enjoy themselves.  Goldi told the three bears again that she was very sorry for wrecking their house and that she had no excuse for what she had done.  The three bears began to feel bad for holding a grudge against Goldi for so long and they confessed that they had, at first, come to make a huge mess of Goldi’s home. Then they explained that when they saw that it was already a mess they decided to clean it up.  Goldi laughed, thanked them and told them that she would love it if they could put all of their differences aside and be friends.  The bears thought that this was a fabulous idea!  So…that is what they did and they are great friends to this day!