Mann-Whitney U Test
{From the Institute of Phonetic Sciences (IFA):}
The Mann-Whitney U test is used to analyze rank-ordered data. This test is a nonparametric alternative to the independent-sample, Student t test, and yields results identical to those obtained from the Wilcoxon Two Independent Samples Test.
H0: The populations from which the two samples are taken have identical median values. To be complete, the two populations have identical distributions.
None that matter.
Rank the combined set of data from the two groups from
lowest to highest with tied scores receiving a rank equal to the average
position of those scores in the ordered array (see the example). Compute
where U is the Mann-Whitney statistic, N1 and N2 are the number of cases in samples 1 and 2, respectively, and R1 is the sum of the ranks for the first sample.
For this example N1 = 9, and N2 = 11. The sum of the ranks (R1) is 139. Substituting these values into the equation given above yields:
U = (9 x 11) + [ 9(9 + 1) / 2 ] - 139
= 99 + (9)(10)/2 -139
= 99 + 45 - 139
= 5
We can compare this value to the Critical Values given in Tables of Critical Values for the Mann-Whitney U Test, where we learn that the probability of a U of 5, under the null hypothesis, when N1 = 9, and N2 = 11 is less than .01. We conclude that the groups are significantly different.
If you have already computed U and want to determine its level of significance, click here: HERE