Textbook. There is no
textbook required for this course.
However, I will provide you with a list of suggest readings. Throughout this course, I will
offer various articles, websites, books, and/or videos for you to
explore. Additionally, you
will be encouraged to seek (and share) any resources find.
Required Resources. There are some resources you will be required
to utilize:
1. University email. You
must initialize your university email account immediately. Most correspondence from me will
be supplied via your university email account. If you use another email address, that’s fine – just make sure
you set up mail forwarding (click here for directions) on your ASU
2. Course web space. We will
provide each of you with some space on our student web server
(http://vygotsky.ced.appstate.edu). You can use
this space to develop web pages, store files, etc.
Computers/Software. The computer lab in which this
course is taught has all of the software and hardware necessary to
complete course activities and assignments. The lab is available during
hours other than class time.
These hours
are posted and should be noted for future reference.