1.   What did you notice in the story?

I noticed that Count Scarazoni acts very suspiciously and that the King acts very nervous.  In addition, I noticed that Fabrizio believes in the ghost, but Mangus doesn’t.  I think that it is surprising that the wizard does not believe in ghost, but I guess I will find out later.


2.   How did the story make you feel?

This part of the story made me feel pretty creepy.  I also felt very nervous for Mangus because I am scared that something will happen and the King (or Count Scarazoni for that matter) will turn on him and decide to put him to death.  Mangus hasn’t done anything wrong, and I am scared that they will find something to say he did.  Also, I find myself laughing a little at Fabrizio for how childish he can act sometimes.


3.   What does the story remind you of in your own life?

This story reminded me of a situation that I have heard of before about someone being the “brains behind the man” as is the case with Count Scarazoni and the King.  I think that this is something that may happen often in politics for various reasons. 


4.   Would you like your friend to read this book?  Why or why not?

So far I really enjoy this book and I have already mention to a friend or two about it and suggested that they read it.  I like this book for the mystery in it, because as of now, I have no idea how it is going to turn out and I am very anxious to finish reading it.  I also like this book because of the great characters in it.  Each of the characters have their own distinctive personality and their own quirks.


5.   What character in the story are you most like or unlike? Explain.

I think that I am most like Mangus.  I say this because I think that he is most of a realistic person and he tries to just go with the flow when he isn’t sure of what is going on.  I think that Mangus likes to hear what has to be said and then he will say his opinion.  I think that am like him because that is exactly what I do when I don’t know what is going on or if I am not sure how another person is feeling.


6.   Does this part of the story remind you of any other story you have read or heard?  Explain.

This part of the story reminds me of the movie about the Salem Witch Trials.  I say this because it is the same situation, about a person being judged upon for practicing what some people believe to be magic.  Even though Mangus had already been to trial, he is still judged because people still believe that he practicing magic.





Title Page


Launch Activity

Midnight Magic Lesson

Ragweed Lesson

Emily Upham’s Revenge Lesson

Relationship to The North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Reference materials
