Competency Goal 1

The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.

1.02 Select key vocabulary critical to the text and apply appropriate meanings as necessary for comprehension.

1.03 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

  • wide reading.
  • word study.
  • word reference materials.
  • content area study.
  • writing process elements.
  • writing as a tool.
  • debate.
  • discussions.
  • seminars.
  • examining the author’s craft.

1.04 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, on-line reference tools) to identify and comprehend unknown words.

Competency Goal 2

The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.


2.01 Use metacognitive strategies independently and flexibly to monitor comprehension and extend vocabulary (e.g., skim, scan, reread the text, consult other sources, ask for help, summarize, paraphrase, question).

2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, and viewing by:

  • making predictions.
  • formulating questions.
  • supporting answers from textual information, previous experience, and/or other sources.
  • drawing on personal, literary, and cultural understandings.
  • seeking additional information.

2.04 Identify elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the:

  • plot development.
  • author’s choice of words.
  • effectiveness of figurative language (e.g., personification, flashback).

2.08 Explain and evaluate relationships that are:

  • causal.
  • hierarchical.
  • temporal.
  • problem-solution.

2.09 Listen actively and critically by:

  • asking questions.
  • delving deeper into the topic.
  • elaborating on the information and ideas presented.
  • evaluating information and ideas.
  • making inferences and drawing conclusions.
  • making judgments.

2.10 Identify strategies used by a speaker or writer to inform, entertain, or influence an audience.

Competency Goal 3

The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.

3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by:

  • analyzing word choice and content.
  • examining reasons for a character’s actions, taking into account the situation and basic motivation of the character.
  • creating and presenting a product that effectively demonstrates a personal response to a selection or experience.
  • examining alternative perspectives.

3.02 Make connections between texts by recognizing similarities and differences based on a common lesson, theme, or message.

3.06 Conduct research (with assistance) from a variety of sources for assigned or self-selected projects (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries, databases, computer networks).

Competency Goal 4

The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.

4.09 Produce work that follows the conventions of particular genres (e.g., clarification, essay, feature story, business letter).

4.10 Use technology as a tool to enhance and/or publish a product

Competency Goal 5

The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.

5.01 Consistently use correct capitalization (e.g., names of magazines, newspapers, organizations) and punctuation (e.g., colon to introduce a list, commas in apposition, commas used in compound sentences).

5.04 Determine the impact of word choice on written and spoken language.

5.05 Spell most commonly used words accurately using a multi-strategy approach to the learning of new spellings.

5.06 Proofread for accuracy of spelling using appropriate strategies to confirm spelling and to correct errors.

5.07 Edit final product for grammar, language conventions, and format.

5.08 Create readable documents through legible handwriting and word processing.


Competency Goal 12

The learner will trace developments in the history of the United States, Canada, and Latin America and assess their impact on the lives of people today.

12.2 Associate an event or phenomenon in the history of the United States, Canada, and Latin America with a current situation or practice.


Competency Goal 1

The learner will EXPLORE sources and formats for reading, listening, and viewing purposes.

1.01 Participate in read-aloud, storytelling, book talking, silent and voluntary reading experiences.

1.02 Demonstrate competence and self motivation as a reader.

1.03 Demonstrate appropriate care of resources.

1.04 Acknowledge ownership of ideas.

1.05 Identify elements of composition.

1.06 Identify characteristics of various genres.

1.07 Follow acceptable use policy (AUP/IUP) for electronic resources.

1.08 Select and use independently, both within and outside the school, a variety of resources (print, non-print, electronic) and formats (print, graphical, audio, video, multimedia).

1.11 Explore primary secondary sources.

Competency Goal 2

The learner will IDENTIFY and USE criteria for excellence to evaluate information and formats.

2.03 Recognize the diversity of ideas and thoughts by exploring a variety of resources (print, non-print, electronic) and formats (print, graphical, audio, video, multimedia, web-based).

Competency Goal 3

The learner will RELATE ideas and information to life experiences.

3.02 Collect and compare information about diverse cultures, environments, and peoples.

3.03 Identify bias and stereotypes

3.05 Describe how information and ideas are influenced by prior knowledge, personal experience, and social, cultural, political, economic and historical events.

.Competency Goal 4

The learner will EXPLORE and USE research processes to meet information needs.

4.05 Gather information.

4.06 Comply with the Copyright Law (P. L. 94-553).

4.07 Organize and use information.

4.08 Credit sources of information.

4.09 Present information in a variety of formats (print, graphical, audio, video, multimedia).

Competency Goal 5

The learner will COMMUNICATE reading, listening, and viewing experiences.

5.01 Respond to reading, listening, viewing experiences orally, artistically, dramatically, through various formats (e.g., print, multimedia).

5.02 Produce media in various formats (print, graphical, audio, video, multimedia) appropriate to audience and purpose.

5.04 Credit sources in all print, non-print, and products.

5.05 Apply fair use copyright guidelines (Copyright Law, P. L. 94-553) in all projects.


Competency Goal 2

The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

2.1 Use technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data. (SI)

2.4 Use a word processing application to create and format a document. (KU/WP/DTP)

Competency Goal 3

The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.

3.3 Select search strategies to obtain information. (DB)

3.7 Evaluate information found via telecommunications for appropriateness, content, and usefulness. (T)



Title Page

Special Note

Launch Activity


Midnight Magic Lesson

Ragweed Lesson

Emily Upham’s Revenge Lesson

Closure Activity

Relationship to The North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Reference materials
