Literature Plan
Section 5; p.3- 45
(2nd- 3rd grade
Discussion Director
Your job is to ask
5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where
the answers are found (if possible). Ask
good thinking questions! Ask the
1 Setting
1 Cause/Effect
1 Prediction
1 “Thinking”
Question on your own
Passage Picker
Pick 4 passages
that exhibit the following:
1 Historical
1 Interesting
1 Descriptive
1 On your own
Word Wizard
Your job is to
complete your role sheet for the following words:
Enchantress p. 5, par. 9
Confederate p.12, line 7
Union p.12, line 9
Nervously p.27, par. 5
Character Sketcher
Your job is to
sketch one of the following characters:
Annie or Jack
Artful Artist
Your job is to
illustrate what you liked best about this section of the story. You should include a response about your
drawing and a plan for sharing.
(Information that should be included may be found on your role sheet).