Section 2: p. 30-61


Discussion Director


Your job for this section of the book is to write down 5 questions, the answers to those questions, and where the answers can be found in the text (the page and paragraph numbers).


1 Author’s Craft question: page____, par.____




1 Multiple Choice/End of Grade question: page____, par.____




1 Predicting question: page____, par.____




1 Reason or ‘Why’ question: page____, par.____




1 ‘Thinking’ question of your own: page____, par.____





Passage Picker


Your assignment is to pick out 4 passages from your reading, and fill out the questions below.



p._____, par._____: Why is this passage descriptive?




2 Figurative Language

p._____, par._____: What figurative language does this passage have? Give examples.



p._____, par._____: What figurative language does this passage have? Give examples.




1 of your choice

p._____, par._____: Why did you pick this passage?





Character Sketcher


Your job as character sketcher is to identify Lewis' traits and to prove these traits by using evidence from the book.  Just a reminder: these traits will be implied traits- they are not directly stated.  You have to take what the book says and infer as to what a character is like.


You also need to discover a problem or conflict that the character has or is having in this section of the book and to write the solution to that problem (if the solution is not in your section of the book, come up with a possible solution).


You will also need to complete a sketch or other illustration of your character based on the traits you find in the book.

Use the form on the next page to record the character traits that you discover.




Character’s Name_____________________________

Section and title of the book you are reading:__________________________________


Implied Character Traits (3)


1. (trait)____________ p. __ par. ___                      

(explanation or proof of trait)





2. (trait)____________ p. __par.____

(explanation or proof of trait)   





3. (trait)___________ p. ___par.____

(explanation or proof of trait)




Character Goal:

_____________’s goal is to




Problem    :                                                                          

____________’s problem is



Solution or Possible Solution:_____________________________




Word Wizard


Your job is to pick 3 words from the list below for this section of the book and create word cards for them.

Each card should include the page and paragraph number where that word can be found, part of speech, definition, along with some kind of illustration for the word.


  Section 2                

 dictating p 42

 poultice p 31               

 cogitate p 32              


 awning p 38              


Vocabulary Activities

1.  Write your vocabulary words in column below and also write an antonym and a synonym for each of your words.























2.  Have you ever felt bedraggled? What made you feel bedraggled?





Internet Investigator


Go to my website and click on the link Lewis and Clark.  Scroll down to section 2 and click on the link of the animal you have chosen to research.  Read the information provided about your animal and then write a Who Am I? poem for that animal.  An example that I wrote is found below.  Can you guess what animal I wrote about?

Choose from a badger, pelican, or prairie dog


Who Am I?

I live the solitary life

But I see fewer and fewer

Of my fellow species every year.

We used to live in the east

But got chased and hunted out

By the new tenants…

Guess they didn’t like our hunting nature.

Oh, deer!

(mmmmm venison)

Wait, did I say that out loud?!

Answer: Mountain Lion or Cougar


