Modifications for Diverse Learners

In my classroom, if I have a student who is a very low reader, I will record my voice reading the sections of the book several days in advance and then give that student time either in class or at home (if able) to listen to the tape and follow along with the book so that they can experience the text.  This will help the low readers feel more comfortable with the text, and they will feel more prepared and willing to read aloud in their literature circle group.

Students who are visually impaired can also use the tapes to hear the book being read.  I would also see if a Braille version (if the child has been taught to read Braille) of the book is available so that they could still read aloud within their groups.

Students who have learning disabilities can benefit from a wide range of modifications including shorter sections (first time I did this literature circle I actually changed it to 6 sections), having a teacher (or assistant) who works with the group all the time guiding the students, and adapting the projects (i.e. fewer word cards to do, simpler questions or passages to find).
