Under each bibliography entry, you will
find a brief synopsis of each book.
Avi. Emily Upham's revenge : or, How Deadwood Dick saved the banker's niece : a
Emily Upham’s father
has left to find some money, and she has been sent to her uncle’s house in
Midnight Magic is a story about a servant
boy who knows more than his master, a mischievous princess, and a magician who
doesn’t believe in magic who all team up to confront a mysterious ghost. It takes place in
Avi. Ragweed.
Ragweed is the first book in Avi’s series entitled "Tales From Dimwood
Forrest." This particular piece is a wonderful book about a small mouse,
named Ragweed, who travels to the city to try to experience the world outside
of his home, the Brook. However, when Ragweed arrives in Amperville
by train, a horrible cat named Silversides, who is also the founder of F.E.A.R,
or Felines Enraged About Rodents, greets him. This organization is committed to
keeping felines on top, humans in the middle, and rodents on bottom. Throughout
the course of the book, Ragweed must face up to many of his fears in order to
survive, and save his other mouse friends. This book is packed with action, and
provides a comic relief on the battle between cats and mice.
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